name="                       " id=#026015 clienttag=W2BN type="mapset" option="normal" created="Tue Dec 17 08:35:41 UTC" started="Tue Dec 17 08:35:46 UTC" ended="Tue Dec 17 08:36:29 UTC" mapfile="Attack Of The Peons RPG.pud" mapauth="Self-Made" mapsize=96x96 tileset="Default" joins=1 maxplayers=4 Fre$h DRAW On map "Attack Of The Peons RPG.pud": Fre$h was Human and played for 0 minutes Overall Score 1349 39 for Units 10 for Structures 1300 for Resources Units Score 39 32 Units Produced 7 Units Killed 30 Units Lost Structures Score 10 10 Structures Constructed 0 Structures Razed 0 Structures Lost Resources Score 1300 1300 Gold Mined 0 Lumber Harvested 0 Oil Harvested 650 Total Spent , Fre$h's normal record is now 3538/3008/23 (3709 draws) Fre$h's standard ladder record is now 0/0/0 (rating 0 [#00000]) (0 draws) Fre$h's ironman ladder record is now 0/0/0 (rating 0 [#00000]) (0 draws) This game lasted 0 minutes (elapsed).