name="OMG" id=#025963 clienttag=W2BN type="mapset" option="normal" created="Tue Dec 17 05:02:26 UTC" started="Tue Dec 17 05:02:28 UTC" ended="Tue Dec 17 05:05:49 UTC" mapfile="Attack Of The Peons RPG.pud" mapauth="Self-Made" mapsize=96x96 tileset="Default" joins=1 maxplayers=4 Fre$h DRAW On map "Attack Of The Peons RPG.pud": Fre$h was Human and played for 3 minutes Overall Score 18020 598 for Units 22 for Structures 17400 for Resources Units Score 598 265 Units Produced 333 Units Killed 248 Units Lost Structures Score 22 22 Structures Constructed 0 Structures Razed 3 Structures Lost Resources Score 17400 17400 Gold Mined 0 Lumber Harvested 0 Oil Harvested 14720 Total Spent , Fre$h's normal record is now 3536/3004/23 (3701 draws) Fre$h's standard ladder record is now 0/0/0 (rating 0 [#00000]) (0 draws) Fre$h's ironman ladder record is now 0/0/0 (rating 0 [#00000]) (0 draws) This game lasted 3 minutes (elapsed).